Thursday, May 10, 2012

From Zubiri to Villava... Day 5, 16km

That Albergue in Zubiri was amazing... The food (about a 5 course meal!), the wine and the company! I sat at a table with a New Zealand couple and an English couple. They all stayed up after dinner to drink, but I took myself straight to bed... You're right Rebecca, the 10pm curfew is there for a reason!

I slept soundly and woke with renewed energy! I powered along the first half... Then step by step I was slowing down. There must have been something that I had eaten that was doing my stomach no favours. My stomach was cramping and a feeling of nausea was coming over me. I found my way into a small village, Villava, one of Pamplona's outer suburbs and have made myself at home in the municipal Albergue. I slept for an hour or so then showered then walked the streets for a bit eating some salami in bread - I feel much better now. It is a warm 25 degrees here and having gotten sunburnt in the pyrenees, I have been lathering up with the sunscreen even yesterday in the rain!!

Injury wise - small blister on right heel - nothing that a few bandaids and 2 socks won't fix! Swollen feet - my theory on this is that my feet are used to 'flats', shoes without any arch or sole support. The pain is coming from within my bones, so I think my feet are being re-shaped as I walk. They are getting pretty painful though! Also (feeling like a grandma here!) my knees are aching on the down hill bits - a lot! And then, just general pain in every muscle and joint!

Caught up with the Canadian duo I met on the first day! They have left an hour before me this morning and this made me feel good about the pace I was setting! Because of the number of pilgrims, many are booking ahead and if you don't, there seems to almost be a rush on the path. To be honest, my competitive side keeps springing to the surface and I try to overtake pilgrims and then get frustrated when others overtake me when i am tired and am slowing down - have to let this go asap! I forced myself to sit by a river today and enjoy an orange slowly. Part of me saw the pilgrims walking ahead and wanted to catch up with them, but part of me kept saying 'enjoy the journey - it's no race!' - I am in Spain for heaven's sake!

I met an Irish woman today who has paid someone €6 to take her pack to the next town - smart girl! Jealous some?

Tomorrow is a big day for me. Today I have taken it very easy by only completing 16km.

Tomorrow I will head through Pamplona (where the running of the bulls in July takes place) continue through to Puente la Reina and hopefully complete around 26km. I found a good Albergue called 'hotel jakue' and have reserved a place for €9. I will be in bed early tonight, breakfast at 6am then tackle my journey!

Tomorrow makes me nervous as there is an extremely steep part where they say it's easy to roll ankles and slip on boulders - woop, gee, cant wait! And for all those who know I have weak ankles, yes, I bought a brace with me. It just sucks that the leg with little shade and a steep bit that is represented by a '!' in the book is one of my bigger days. No, not as bad as my first day, but after walking for 3 days this is going to hurt!

Anyway, enough thinking about tomorrow! I am going to have an afternoon of leisure. I keep thinking of this one line from a preview of a movie made about the camino. This older gentleman says, 'life on the camino goes from 500km per hour to just 5'... I guess one thing I am learning about myself is that I rush. Too much. Liv and Em, I know you are nodding your head and saying 'we could have told you that' but I guess it is hard to see it until you take a step back. Many beautiful moments can be missed when you run at full speed. I am sure I have missed many!

The other learning is that I worry myself with too much - and often things out of my control! I will make sure I do anything I can to make this journey safe and as comfortable as it can be, but I have to let go of the rest!

Any who... Am off to enjoy some spanish sunshine! Buenos tardes amigos!

Ps wishing I had Esther here...there are wild horses in the mountains with fouls... So beautiful!

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