Monday, May 14, 2012

From Torres del Rio to Logroño, Day 10, 21km

Today I got up at 5ish after an amazing nights sleep! I walked while the poppies slept along the path and the ascents were rewarded by amazing glimpses of the sky as the sun started to rise... So peaceful and beautiful!

I descended a hill with a 10% slope on it. Did this slowly and carefully!

After the first 5km of steep ups and steep downs, the walk was easy, and my feet, although still sore, appreciated the break yesterday.

In the distance, Logroño, the 3rd largest city on the Camino and my days destination, appeared rather quickly. This made the walk seem shorter than 21km! More like a hop skip and jump (a low jump due to the weight of my pack!)

Before Logroño, I had to pass through Viana. As I got closer to the city, there was an amazing smell coming from the city... Pastries or something sweet! Made me long for a Playfish coffee... Now, if you are not sitting down already, I would sit down if I were you.. There's something I should tell you. I have not had one coffee since leaving Australia! And this is not due to a lack of trying, just a lack of soy milk! This sweet smell coming from Viana made my craving for a caffeine hit all that stronger!

Viana was so beautiful! If any of you are thinking of doing the camino (because I'm sure I've sold it pretty well!) then stay here! I stopped off with my adopted 'moms' from Canada and enjoyed a cup of tea and these tasty little lemon flavored cakes (no idea what they are, but I didn't see any 'leche' in the ingredients!)

After this short tea break, I visited the Church of Santa Maria de Viana there. Even the hardest of hearts would be softened and humbled inside such a masterpiece of 13th century architecture. I tried to capture some of the enormity of the church and the intricate designs on the walls, in the statues and even the ceiling. Incredible! Needless to say I hardly captured a glimpse of any of that with my camera.

Then I made my way to Logroño with music in my ear and the promise of the city, my destination, on the horizon! As I approached the city, there was an old lady at a stand selling camino souvenirs and cold drinks. She was great! I couldn't help myself, i had to buy a 'gourd'. It's a hollow 'thing' that looks like a butternut pumpkin, and because of it's hollow body, it was used as a water bottle for the ancient pilgrims - BPA free! These days, many pilgrims carry them for good luck! I have mine because, well, I like them! Not sure how friendly Australian customs will be with me for having it!

I am going to make my way to the post office to shoot some weight home! 2.7kg to be exact - the simplification process doesnt end on the Camino! Tomorrow, with 31km to do, will hopefully be easier on my knees due to a reasonably flat terrain.

I am starting the smile on the path now. Thinking of more positive things and enjoying this journey/experience. I like this feeling and hope that it stays with me. One of the things that Patrick said to me was 'everyone is happy on the camino... They may be a little lost, a little cold, a little scared, but always happy...' Not sure I can fully agree...

So, while the sun is shining, I will head out for a walk! My washing is hung, my sleeping bag aired and my feet seen to! Time to explore!

Adios x

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