Sunday, May 6, 2012

From Shanghai to Paris... Day 1, Part 2! sitting in a cafe in France, drinking earl grey tea and enjoying a 'club sandwich' ! (they dont have soy - I know right!?) I need this moment of calm after my 'France underground train ordeal'! How confusing are they!? I got to my last train 1min 47secs before it left the platform after being lost and wondering for around 20mins! I now have a couple of hours to kill so thought i would experience the outside in Paris for a bit... By outside i mean inside a cafe! A perfect time for a brief update!

THERE'S NO FACEBOOK IN CHINA! I partly knew this, but was still shocked! How do the youth here socialise? So weird!

I arrived at the China airport with around 5 hours to spare before boarding to France. I mostly slept there and enjoyed some dumplings too - a must!

Once I boarded the plane to Paris, I fell asleep before it took off and then for most of the trip - a nice french guy allowed me the window seat! I had the romantic idea of descending through the clouds into Paris, the eiffel tower in the distance, a prominant feature on a beautiful skyline, but alas, it was over cast all the way down, and the skyline from the airport could have been anywhere!

My 'breakfast' on the plane included bamboo! The French guy beside e informed of this and deciding that my nodding was not affirmation enough that I understood what he was saying. He proceeded to show me a pic of a panda eating bamboo then zoomed in on the bamboo! Yes, I think I get it! After all that, it wasn't very nice! Accompanying my breakfast was a tub of yoghurt... Apparently China airline's comprehension of 'dairy free' is at a similar level to that at Devonport McDonalds!

Turns out my 8 hour train to St Jean was not at all as nice as it seems! Is actually 4 trains, and instead of arriving at a decent hour, I arrive at 1030pm. This would be fine in any other situation, apart from the fact at I have no accommodation! That's second on my priority list after letting you know that I am still alive!

So I will leave this at that.. Still have 2 trains to go... I don't know if I will start walking tomorrow. Will depend on what sort of accommodation I find. Pilgrim accommodation closes around 10pm and I won't have time to register as a pilgrim anyway! Hmmmm it really is a wonder that 'overseas travel' hasn't been recognised as a form of relaxation therapy! *insert sarcasm* :)

This is all for now! Going to sip my tea and absorb the surrounds! Turns out my waiter is from Santiago...Small world! (actually doubting this saying after getting lost in Paris underground trains!)

Love to everyone back home... Missing your accents already!

Ciao for now xxx

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