Wednesday, April 18, 2012

With The Flow...

Ever sat on the side of a mountain in the rain and noticed small trickles of water flowing down the side?  They wind their own path, obeying their one rule...gravity.  At times they join with another, then separate when they need to... it is their natural flow and when it is time to stop flowing, they pool and settle.

For those who know me, I have many analogies, theories, opinions and such on our existence here on earth (I can you hear all rolling your eyes!)... but the above is 'overall' my analogy on life.

We are here to go a certain way.  Some paths wind here and there.  Some are much straighter.  Some will pool before others.  However, we all have a natural flow and speed or 'rhythm', if you like.  People come and go in our journey, joining us and syncing with us for different lengths of time and others will flow parallel to us at a comfortable and sometimes not so comfortable distance.  No matter what it is, it's natural, it's life.

The thing is, sometimes we believe our 'own' way is much more suited and justified and we fight against this 'natural' way.  Whether it is staying in one place for too long due to a fear of change or forcing the continuation of a friendship that has already served its purpose because you don't like saying goodbyes.  When this happens in my life, I feel the greatest sense of unbalance, the most out of rhythm and just generally frustrated with myself and everyone else!

However, when things are going with 'the flow' the calm and peace is amazing, almost uncomfortably okay.  Events, people, situations and experiences just simply fit into place.  My christian friends will call this, 'going the way that God would have us go', my not so christian friends use terms such as 'fate' etc, but for me it is just going with the flow.  I know that this isn't really to do with the Camino, but in a way it is.

The Camino and I are on a collision course and in the few short weeks leading up (2 and a bit actually!), for some reason, the things that I am fighting are becoming more apparent and the way I am supposed to go is becoming clearer.  So, less listening to my very lateral, logical, reasoning head, less listening to my irrational, emotion and highly unpredictable heart and more listening to my gut.  Simply put, just go with the flow.

PS... I can count my close dear friends on one hand.  Sounds awfully dependent and terribly 'female', but I am just realising how much I am going to miss them.  There you are... a crack in my independent, confident exterior  :)

Buenas noches amigos xxx

1 comment:

  1. I do the 'watching and pondering about our lives and the flow of water' thing in the shower.
